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关于绿洲户外,联系我们/About the oasis outdoor

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发表于 2009-3-14 21:18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




远 线活动方面。为满足大家更高层次的精神需求,我们积极开拓国内和国际旅行路线。当前,我们已经完成了在西藏、新疆、青海、四川、云南、贵州、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、福建、黑龙江等多个省市的线路开发工作,为大家提供了众多欣赏世间绝美风光的机会,弥补了传统旅游的缺陷。同时,我们开辟了尼泊尔、韩国等出境旅 行线路,非洲乞力马扎罗和南美巴塔哥尼亚的户外徒步旅行也已经提上日程。

BIG PACK有这样一句广告语:只知道世界是不够的,必须亲自去体验世界;有旅行的想法是不够的,必须背上行囊立即出发。那么,让我们跟随绿洲户外出发吧,向奇异的风景奔去!



余  戈   13910843366  QQ:692151544   
Email:[email protected]

发表于 2013-5-27 22:36:58 | 显示全部楼层
In March, 2009, someoutdoor lovers set up Lvzhou outdoor club (www.lvzhou.info).Our focus is to offer an open self-help internet platform tofriends who love the outdoor sport and advocate the healthy way of life.

What does Lvzhou believe in?
Lvzhou thinks that outdoor is anopen, equal, and comprehensive sport. In recent years, outdoor sport hasdeveloped vigorously in China,and we hope to provide a place where is full of cultural concern to the greaterand greater group of outdoor lovers.

What does Lvzhou offer?
Lvzhou provides yououtdoor places, discussion area and second hand equipment trade platform forfree. At the same time, we can offer you a slight cultural concern just becauseof the same goal we pursue.

What does people live for?
What do people live for? Different people may have different answers.But we will all agree that we live for happiness. So we define that people liveto seek for happiness.

Where is the happy LVZHOU?
Fortune, power andreputation always make people feel happy, but this is not the true happiness. Onthe contrary, when you walk through the mountains, look at the clouds in the sky,you are moved by their beauty and you will get the sample happiness for thisbeauty. So we can say, it is easy to get happiness, or happiness is simple initself.  
Outdoor sport which has been popular in Western countriesfor decades is such kind of sport that can make people feel happy purely. Lvzhououtdoor club has always focused on providing such activities and promoting happinessfor every participant.

Let us go!
As the ad of BIG PACKsays: only knowing the world is not enough, you must experience the world; onlyhaving the idea to go on a trip is not enough, you have to go now! So, let usgo with Lvzhou right now, and feel the most amazing views in the world!

Join Lvzhou rightnow!
Lvzhou is an openplatform which concentrates on activitis in Beijing and around. We not only accept Beijing membership, butalso welcome friends all over the world.
So, besides theactivities for Beijing memberships, if you areon a business trip or travel in Beijing,you can make an appointment on Lvzhou outdoor forum. We will make a program foryou based on your trip schedule and physical state. Lvzhou helps you to have agood time in Beijing!

Click here, enjoy your life with Lvzhou!
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