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发表于 2010-10-24 15:53:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[blockquote]Today, depression affects about 121 million people around the world; less than 25 percent of them have access to proper care [source: World Health Organization]. But for this article, let's focus on people with access to treatment who suffer from what's arguably the most serious form of depression: clinical depression or major depression. Most of them are treated with antidepressants, counseling or some combination thereof. (Many leading experts often recommend a type of counseling known as of cognitive behavioral therapy, but most patients are simply given antidepressants.) If the patient's depression elevates to more critical levels, procedures such as electroconvulsive therapy, vagus nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation sometimes become treatment options.[/blockquote]今天全球范围内受抑郁症影响的人数已多达一亿两千一百万,不到25%的人能够接受合理的治疗。(来源:世界卫生组织)本文着重针对这样一个群体:他们患有非常严重的抑郁症,也就是临床忧郁症,但同时有途径可以接受治疗。通常包括药物治疗(抗抑郁药),心理咨询以及相关的混合疗法。(一些权威专家推行采用一种心理疗法,即行为认知疗法,但大多数病人只是服用一些抗抑郁药物来维持治疗。)如果病人的病情已经恶化到非常严重的地步,那么一些治疗手段像电休克疗法、迷走神经刺激、深度脑部刺激和经颅礠刺激就应该适当考虑一下了。
[blockquote]But clinical depression is a tricky beast. Anyone can have a bad week and feel bummed out for a bit, but major depression is a chronic psychological illness that involves debilitating symptoms. You're probably familiar with most symptoms from television commercials for depression medications: lethargy and listlessness, loss of concentration, lack of interest in daily activities, feelings of deep sadness and emptiness, persistent sleeping problems, considerable weight loss or gain, and suicidal tendencies. Other issues include irritability and frustration over simple matters, decreased se x drive, serious anxiety and agitation, unexplainable crying jags and feelings of worthlessness or self-recrimination.[/blockquote]临床忧郁症可不是好对付的。谁都会时不时的渡过糟糕的一周,感到沮丧压抑,但是忧郁症却是一种慢性的心理疾病。它有一些损害人身心健康的症状。这些症状你应该不会陌生,因为电视上卖抗抑郁药物的广告整天在给我们普及这个知识。这其中包括:嗜睡、精力不足、注意力下降、兴趣丧失、极度悲痛、空虚、睡眠障碍、体重急剧增加或减少、自杀倾向。其它一些症状包括:易怒、挫败感、性 欲减退、焦虑惶恐、莫名哭闹、强烈的自责以及无用感。
[blockquote]That's a lot of symptoms to account for, and it's unlikely an easy miracle cure that works for everyone will ever be found. In every case of clinical depression, there are typically many interlocking facets at work: everything from genetics, hormones and biological disturbances to traumas, major illnesses and other troubling life events. Because any of these can trigger and fuel a bout of major depression, treatments must often be customized on a patient-by-patient basis.[/blockquote]这些都是要考虑到的一些症状,但要找到一种方法,可以解决每个人所有的问题,似乎有点不太现实,每位患者抑郁症的产生形成都是经过了一系列的连锁反应,包括从基因遗传、荷尔蒙、生物性紊乱到精神创伤、重大疾病以及生活中遭遇打击。这其中的任一种都能触发抑郁症,因此其治疗需要对症下药。
[blockquote]That's not to say that some people aren't cured of depression; they are. But many are not. Whether they don't seek care to begin with, or the care they receive isn't sufficient, unless a case of depression is dealt with thoroughly, it's very likely the condition will continue or the person will relapse at some point in the future [source: Psychology Today].[/blockquote]这并不意味着有些人的抑郁症无法治愈,其实完全可以。但是事实是很多人做不到。他们要么起初并没有寻求治疗,要么就是他们所接受的治疗不够到位。除非他们能彻底全面的接受治疗,否则病情会持续下去,或者在将来的某个时候会突然复发。(来源:今日心理学)。
[blockquote]Even if most of the symptoms of depression have cleared up, low-lying issues can indicate trouble down the line. Experts recommend that treatments continue well beyond the point when a person simply starts to feel a bit better, and up to the time when he or she is able to fully resume an active, productive and healthy lifestyle. [/blockquote]即使有时候抑郁症的症状是消失了,但一些潜在的事情也有可能再次触发神经。专家建议,在病人的情况开始好转,已经可以重新开始积极、健康的生活方式的情况下,仍需坚持治疗,不可中断。
[blockquote]Since the brain of a person who's suffered from clinical depression often becomes altered, the treatment time needs to be long enough for it to fully right itself. Without this extended treatment, relapse becomes increasingly likely. In fact, more than 50 percent of people with depression suffer a relapse, and the more often they relapse, the more likely they'll continue to do so. Physicians and patients need to focus on how individuals feel during and after bouts of depression, because even negative thoughts can bring someone who was "cured" right back into the fray [source: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health].[/blockquote]由于经历过临床抑郁症的患者他们的大脑变得非常敏感,治疗时间就得足够长来完全恢复。否则复发的可能性非常之大。事实上,有超过50%患抑郁症的人病情会复发。他们复发的次数越多,就会越容易持续这种复发。医生和病人就需要密切留意病人的状态,不管是在患抑郁症期间还是治愈后。因为一些消极的思想都有可能让一位已经摆脱抑郁症纠缠的人“回到过去”。
发表于 2010-10-24 16:01:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 16:11:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 16:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 18:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 20:28:53 | 显示全部楼层
偶尔易怒 偶尔自责 偶尔睡眠障碍
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发表于 2010-10-24 20:53:45 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼山咪子于2010-10-24 18:21发表的 :

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发表于 2010-10-24 21:01:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 22:37:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-10-24 22:48:18 | 显示全部楼层
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