1. I am not nobody’ s fool.我又不是傻子。
2. Probably, it is still in the air. 大概吧,不是太确定。
3. You are in the pink. 你的气色很好。
4. There is big hole in my mind. 我什么也不记得了。
5. Let’s play it by ear. 走一步,看一步吧。
6. I’ll take a chance.碰碰运气看。
7. She just cut me dead. 她压根儿不理我。
8. Leave me alone, I really have the blues today.让我静一静,我今天情绪确实不好。
9. I hate his guts. 我恨死他了。
10. To block junk cell-phone messages. 屏蔽垃圾短信。
11. There is a lot of flu going about just now. 目前流感猖獗。
12. I want to report the loss of my credit card. 我想办理信用卡挂失。
13. You black mail me. 你敲诈我。
14. You can’t charm your way through life. 帅不能当饭吃。
15. You can’t take too much advantage of your beauty. 别滥用自己的美貌。
16. He is a busybody. 他是个爱管闲事的人。
17. What should I do if I have hiccup. 我老是打嗝怎么办?
18. This bag is heavy duty. 这个书包很耐用。
19. Grey import is very cheap. 水货真便宜。
20. You are boss. 你说了算。 |