Get smarter without going to school (no finals!). Simply add these foods to your day, and let your renewed brainpower impress you (and everyone else).
By Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen
Selenium is among the good stuff in this favorite breakfast food. Get enough of that element and your brain may perform as well as someone who's 10 years younger. Aim for 55 micrograms daily (eggs have 14 each; put them on whole-grain bread and get 10 micrograms per slice). Our favorite: A vegetable-and-egg omelet that uses one whole egg to each three or four egg whites (no cheese!).

Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens
Brain-friendly carotenoids and flavonoids in dark, leafy greens can make your mind act like it's younger (minus all the embarrassing dating experiences). Three or more servings of these a day can slow mental decline due to aging by as much as 40 percent.

Compounds in this fruit may help protect you from two processes that age your brain cells (and are linked to Alzheimer's). We mean inflammation and oxidation, not asking your kids to clean their rooms (for the 20th time) and getting behind someone who's driving 50 mph in the high-speed lane.

Walnuts and Fish
Although we love omega-3s, we get tired of relying on salmon, trout and walnuts to meet our needs. The active omega-3 that keeps your brain young is DHA—and you can get it from fortified foods or DHA supplements (600 milligrams a day is ideal for repairing your brain cells).

Turmeric, a spice in yellow mustard, helps activate genes that keep your brain clear of waste (its buildup can cause inflammation that destroys brain cells). All you need is 17 milligrams of turmeric a day; about what's in a teaspoon of mustard.