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[登山] The main mountain ranges in Shandong Province

发表于 2010-6-1 14:42:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    莲台山,在长清县城东南22.5公里张夏镇境内,南距灵岩寺15公里,西距五峰山5公里,104国道、京沪铁路及京福高速公路济泰段纵贯, 地理位置优越,交通通讯便利。

    莲台山又名“娄敬洞山”,因相传汉初娄敬曾在此山洞内隐居而得名,形成的山峪称“小娄峪”。有传说汉初名臣张良也曾在这里隐居, 所以也称作“张山”。因植物资源极为丰富,又称“万花山”。此地曾为道教胜地。道观经历了唐、宋、元、明、清各代。 现存建筑遗址有:莲台胜景坊、蓬莱观三元宫、张仙祠、吕祖祠、玉皇殿等。
    此山气势雄伟,峰峦叠嶂,环抱如城廓。山内呈喀斯特地貌特征,有众多古洞,著名的有娄敬洞、八封洞、王母洞、三青洞、风洞、云洞、仙姑洞、火龙洞、朝阳洞等。 还有玉柱峰、梯子崖等险峰怪石。


    出洞口顿觉豁然开朗,南望泰岱峙立擎天,气象万千。小娄峪尽头,梯子崖南侧为王母洞。崖前有泉,名王母泉。 洞口两侧镌刻“壶中灵药山中采,宴内蟠桃洞中寻。”对联,洞额为“西望瑶池”。洞分上下两层,其相通之路陡直拥塞,状如竖井,须手攀足蹬,翻转身体方可通过,故又称“鹞子翻身洞”。登上洞顶可尽览山中景色。

Lotus Hill Overview

    Lotus mountain, in Changqing town 22.5 kilometers southeast of the town within Zhang Xia, 15 km north of Lingyan, 5 km west Wufengshan, 104 State Road, Beijing-Shanghai Railway and Beijing-Fuzhou highway longitudinal section of Thailand's economy, strategic location the transportation is convenient.

    Lotus mountain, also known as "Lou Jing shan," because the legend Lou Han Dynasty King seclusion in this cave is named after, the formation of the mountain valley known as "Little Lou valley." Famous minister Zhang Han Dynasty legend has seclusion here, so it called "Zhang Shan." Because of abundant plant resources, known as the "Wan Huashan." Taoist resort worked here. Taoist through the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing generations. The existing building site are: lotus attraction Square, Penglai View Three Palace, Chang Sin Temple, Lu Zu Temple, Yu Huangdian so.
    The imposing mountains, peaks and ridges of mountains, hills, such as outer city walls. Yamauchi was karst features, there are many ancient cave, the famous hole with Lou King, 8 hole, Queen Mother of the hole, three blue holes, wind, cloud-dong, Xiangu hole, dragon cave, Zhaoyang Dong and so on. There Yuzhu peak, ladders and other dangerous mountain peak cliff rocks.

    The largest caves in the mountains for the Lou King holes. Hole in the Qiaoya Sanin Lou King, the depth of several hundred meters wide and 5-6 meters, the highest point reached more than thirty meters, over mountains and, north and south connected. Hole before climbing rattan, and a mountain specialty "Wang vegetables," evergreen, leaves the U.S. flavor. Cave dark and rugged difficult, watch the hole with landscape lighting before. Wall, the colorful stalactites, shaped like a lotus, Ganoderma lucidum, jade, such as cover. Southeast exit, there are stone chisel shrine, worship Lou King, Fan Li, Zhang statue. Table for the moment like before the "big four made Kim Kuk-tae and" character, is said to Zhang, Jing Lou Department of games.

    The hole Dunjue suddenly see the light, the South look Taidaizhili dyke and multifaceted. Lou Yu small end of the ladder south of the Queen Mother of the hole cliff. Yaqian with springs, famous Queen Mother of the spring. Engraved on both sides of the hole, "pot of elixir mountain mining, peach banquet in the hole to find." Couplet, the hole amount of "facing west toward the Jade Pool." Hole at the upper and lower levels, the steep road connecting congestion, shaped like a shaft, to climb hand-foot pedal, turning the body to pass through, so called "kite turning hole." Board the top of the cave to view most out in the mountains.
发表于 2010-6-1 15:04:49 | 显示全部楼层
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